Day 200: 12 inches and counting
I just measured 8 inches of snow out there… two hours ago. It’s up to at least 10-12 inches now by the time this posts and we’re maybe only half way there (if that). It’s supposed to keep dumping through the night and tomorrow. Welcome to Colorado!

So, we’ve been in survival mode: Yesterday I finished some preparations, including a make-shift awning to keep (most of) the snow off of the walkway as well as constructing a rough mini tarp room around around the water tanks and plumbing underneath the trailer. With tarps on the ground and 4 sides and the silver side in, it has so far held at 6 deg warmer than the outside temperature. But as things are getting colder I had to finish the project today and run the little heater under there that I picked up at the thrift store for $4 a few weeks ago anticipating such a time as this. This morning I brushed 6 inches of snow off the make-shift tarp awning and the slide-out topper awning; breaking a broom in the process. My logic was to get all the weight off the awnings since more snow would be piling on top of that. Of course, it’s practically pointless and it will all just have to reach an equilibrium on it’s own. Hopefully without breaking anything expensive. The kids are getting pretty restless. We’ve had the obligatory snow play time that always ends up too short because everyone gets cold and tired before they get their energy out. So, I finished the snow shelter by myself. And then of course hot chocolate, shows, throwing things, screeching like falcons, and wrestling on dad and mom’s bed when they were bored of everything else.
I’ve been trying to decide all day whether or not to take the 4×4 out and play in the white stuff since we need a few things. For example, we’re completely out of pull-ups for our two bed-wetters. Last night we were down to 1, so we woke the other one up at 10pm, 2am, and 6am and kept them dry all night. Actually, when I woke them up at 6am they said, “I already went pee 4 times last night,” and went back to sleep. But the other one doesn’t wake up so well. Fit city. So, I don’t know. Back to procrastinating on that decision I guess. Maybe this is the excuse we need to force them to kick the habit of peeing at night.
I kept the text together because it flowed better, but here are some photos of everything I was talking about…
Our little walk-way, make-shift awning above since the real awning just sags under the weight of the snow due to the fact that it can’t pull very far out.

Tarp enclosure underneath the trailer. The brown is on the south side, so when the sun comes back, that should help absorb some extra heat… wish I had a black tarp!

Says it all 🙂

Our snow fort. We haven’t tested it yet, but I think 3-4 kids can squeeze in there more or less comfortably. The back of our trailer is in the upper left.

And, finally, the official measurement (as of 3:30pm):

October 28th, 2009 at 10:11 pm
Andrew: You need to get some of that black plastic/tarping material that farmers use to wrap silage bales – only thing close to black tarp that I’ve seen – it’s pretty heavy duty.
October 29th, 2009 at 12:42 am
dear andrew,
I wish I lived in Colorado…it sure looks like fun!!
PS Thanks for shoveling a path off the street so I could pull into the driveway tonight!! By the time I left the parking lot at the airport (had to reinstall a wiper blade that came off cleaning the windows after work) I was about 40 minutes behind schedule for the drive home in the snow!
October 31st, 2009 at 10:24 pm
Wow, that snow fort reminds me of when I was a kid and we used to make little couches to sit on and tables and play in them for hours(or kid hours). Of course our snow stayed for months so we had alot of time to perfect the forts. Yes kids do get restless. They need alot more expression physically than we do.
November 1st, 2009 at 12:42 pm
Wow, between dealing with the wind at Sukkot and the snow piles last week, you may just become an expert tarp dwelling maker! Maybe skip the log home idea and figure out how to make a house out of tarps… it will be more compact and portable 🙂
Love ya!