Roaming the Earth
THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE BEEN POSTED A WEEK AND A HALF AGO… from my phone… which conspired against me and left it as a draft….grrr….. but anyway. Here it was (Oct 24th):
Sitting in a double-booked seat that just got sorted out on a plane getting ready to depart Chicago for Vegas and finally get to Denver this afternoon after a 24 hour travel marathon that included a 5 hour bus ride to Winnipeg yesterday and almost 4 hours of sleep last “night”. Nothing like commuting 🙂
I wish I could use the time to write the many posts I have composed in my mind over the last few months, but that would involve << just had to put my phone away for take-off >> a tricky bit of memory.
In a much more orderly and chronological fashion those posts would have talked about leaking hot water heaters that could not even be fixed by re-welding seams and hence weeks of self-inflicted cold showers (what fun are other options?); fall overtaking several projects (like building) that never materialized for lack of time and resources; bountiful harvests from Renee’s gardens; starting up guy nights with a couple awesome buddies for Scripture studies and hang out time; busy busy work work and more work; crazy spontaneous floods of communication on many unexpected fronts; Sky turning into an insatiable walker and climber shortly after; Kids Club; a healthy dose of summer mini adventures; and of course most recently the culmination of the Fall Feasts of YHWH.
We had the blessed privilege of meeting and spending Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles) for 8-9 days with around 100 believers from all over Manitoba. Awesome fellowship, worship, studies, meals, and adventures together like zip lines, playing on the ropes course, hikes to suspension bridges and abandoned homesteads, etc.
And with that concluded last friday we headed back the 7 hour trek to Winnipegosis, had one last family Sabbath together, and dropped me off in Dauphin yesterday to begin my Clvr week in Denver while Renee holds down the fort in the North and stays available for Kids Club.
Well, as far as posts go this is leaving my journaling itch quite unscratched. But it will have to do for now as i’m burning through phone battery here.x2
…nevermind… going to have to risk the battery as this adventure unfolds… flash forward a few hours and I have to pee something fierce and we’re in a holding pattern circling Vegas because we didn’t quite beat the President landing and now we’re on standby in the sky with the fasten seatbelts sign illuminated. Not making this up. It figures that Obama would be here at the same random time as me… for more reasons than you (or I) know.
What else will happen today? When will I finally get to upload this? Pretty turbulent… some people are getting motion sick…
ok finally final descent… will upload from Vegas. And then on to Denver at last.
But super quickly – have to say: I love you and miss you my incredible wife Renee and our wonderful children Bennah, Reayah, Zach, Jaiden, Joy, and Sky!!!