Apr 22 2009

Day 11: Laundry day

by renee

Something that we are going to get to is doing our laundry at a laundromat. This can be a wonderful adventure, depending on how you look at it. It takes up most the day, since we try to get other errands done as well while we are out and about. Today it took 2 hours to wash out clothes. It is quite an operation. We had two bins of clothes, a big book bag full of things to do (books to read, school workbooks, toys, coloring stuff, snacks) and 5 kids. The laundromat we found was clean and bright, and had a few college students and an elderly lady who really got a kick out of our kids. After about an hour and 15 minutes, they were getting bored and started using the laundry carts as go carts and bumper cars. For boys, everything can become something to climb on, ride in or turn over become something else. I was exhausted at the end from reigning them in and teaching the boys how to respect other people’s propety, keeping Joy happy and occupied and stopping Zach from drying himself in the big industrial size dryers. But we got our laundry done and the kids had fun. By the end though, the kids were tired and hungry and grumpy. As we were leaving we got a sympathetic grin from the old lady.

We are seriously thinking about buying a portable washing machine that would fit in our bathtub. It’s convenient, but adds weight and takes up valuable space. Laundromats can become a fun family outing, but take up time and cost a lot of money.

Apr 20 2009

Day 9: chaos rains

by renee

What a day. It rained all day. It was too cold to really get any fresh air, so we were pretty much cooped up for the day. And it seemed like a completely unorganized, frustrating, chaotic day. Andrew and I both had plans to do some work today, the kids needed to do some school, meals had to be made, kids needed physical activity, all which seemed to happen at once and then none of it happened successfully. Still a bit run down and tired, there were some nuclear melt-downs, arguments, teasing, more fits, hungry grumpies, and still more challenges which I have completely forgotten now that it is the end of the day and all the days events are a blur. I do remember trying to feed the kids left-over black bean burgers for lunch on the floor because Andrew had taken over the whole dining room table as his office space. It’s only temporary, but it’s very inconvenient. I was stepping over kids and plates and books and toys and boxes if I wanted to get anywhere.

I’m learning that in a small space, everything has to be very intentional. Everything must have it’s own place and must be there for a reason. Nothing can be half-hazard. It’s fun in some ways to figure out how to organize everything to make life easier, but if anything is out of place, suddenly, it’s a mess. In a small space, a little mess, is a big mess. A few dirty dishes becomes an immediate chore that needs to be done to free up more space. A little bit of clutter is a huge deal. Not liking clutter and messes in particular (I’m not a clean freak, but I do like things tidy), this experience is definitely stretching me. I’m going to have to get used to a more cluttered lifestyle. With 7 people in about a 300 square foot space, things are bound to get messy and cluttered. It would help things a bit, if we got rid of even more things, which I am in the process of doing. I organized our bedroom a bit more tonight and emptied out a few more boxes and found new practical homes for things. I also threw out a few more things. I am coming across things and thinking to myself, “now, why on earth did I ever want to keep that?” or “this just doesn’t go in this new space.” More purging.

After lunch, after a few naps, things quieted down and Reayah started worshipping. We all joined in for a bit, and I was thankful for this moment of peace and mental re-calibration. I am always reminding myself (or my heavenly Father is reminding me) to have a worshipful heart in every moment, no matter what is happening. This can seem almost impossible, when you’re trying to put a fussy baby to sleep, force feeding black bean burgers to another, taking another to go potty, and trying to motivate two unmotivated kids in their school work. It can not happen on my own strength. Only with YHWH’s grace can I do this. When I decide, in my frustration and exhaustion, to lift my eyes up to where my help comes from, and say a prayer of thanks or even force a song of praise out of my lips, things get lighter and the rain that is beating down on our awning outside sounds so beautiful and soothing, like a simple symphony and I am so thankful for a warm cozy home, my amazing husband and wonderful children. Another day is done and my heart is full.

Apr 19 2009

Day 8

by renee

It’s pretty windy tonight and will probably rain. Andrew is out rolling up the awning and putting our things away. I’m making tea and we are just about the settle down and get cozy, looking at campgrounds close to Winnipeg, Canada (our next destination). We had our first meal outside today. It was fun and I think we will be eating outside mostly. Clean up is much easier. Black bean burgers with chips, salsa, carrots and chocolate chip cookies for desert. The kids and I are a bit run down. It has been an intense first week. They have been real troopers and have adjusted very well. There is so much to explore here (as you can tell by the great pictures in our last post). Bed time has been pretty effortless, since they are usually exhausted by the end of the day from all the fresh air and sunshine.

Feb 26 2009

6 weeks and counting…

by renee

In about a month or so, we will be leaving our 5 bedroom house in Virginia behind for good. We will be driving away in a blue diesel Suburban and pulling our 32 foot travel trailer.

Since before we were married, my husband and I talked about living on the road in a trailer or a sailboat. Well, it looks like that dream is finally going to happen. We sure didn’t imagine doing this with 5 kids though. We’ve done some test runs (a short vacation and sleep-overs in the trailer in our driveway!). There will definitely be some adjustments. Okay, a lot of adjustments. But the kids are excited and have actually been very cooperative and helpful about selling and giving away many of their clothes and toys that won’t fit in the trailer. I seem to be the one that wants to hold onto things. Especially their homeschooling books and games. I have 5 file bins full of books, activities and crafts that we might need.

I have all my crafts and paints and paintbrushes that I just can’t seem to part with. It’s interesting to see what’s most important to me. My jeans, my art supplies. And of course, my Mac. I had a hard time parting with my shower curtains, but, I got over it. My dishes (breakable) and coffee maker (too big) can always be replaced if we decide to settle down in a house again. For my oldest son Bennah, it is his sketch pads, Legos and nature encyclopedia. My oldest daughter Reayah has her Treasure box. It’s a collection of jewelery, hair paraphernalia, movie stubs saved from family dates, unique stones found on walks, and other beautiful and shiny treasures she has found or bought. She loves her books and tea set too. Zach will be happy with just his toy cars and Duplo blocks. Jaiden will be happy as long as he has what everyone else has. Joy, who is only 4 months, will be content to have a toy that she can chew on and that makes a crinkly noise. And maybe I’ll keep a few board books like “Brown Bear, Brown Bear” and “Good-Night Moon”.

We are all looking forward to this adventure. It will hopefully be a simpler life full of opportunities to minister to whoever Father puts in our path along the way. We just want to walk in YHWH’s purposes wherever he leads.

I hope to stay in touch with many of you. Don’t forget us!

Feb 13 2009


by renee

8 weeks and counting…

Only a short time left before we hit the road! We are selling stuff, donating stuff, throwing away stuff. Makes me realize how much stuff I really have. Makes me wonder why I have so much stuff anyway. I’m looking forward to living in a smaller space. There will be a lot less to clean. Less space to accumulate stuff. I’m trying to organize and simplify, but for some reason, this means buying more. I need new bins and new containers and drawers and folders to keep everything in it’s place. I am buying more stuff as I’m trying to get rid of stuff. It’s getting very complicated to live simply. It would be easier to throw everything out and start over completely. Hmmmmm…. that’s an idea.